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Listening to customers and employees is a process that generates a lot of data, especially when using an advanced feedback platform. Feedback data is generated by surveys, reviews and all customer service interactions, and now even by how respondents engage with the surveys themselves.

According to a Gartner study, approximately 97% of the data collected remains untapped by companies, and feedback data often falls into the trap of being neglected, becoming a waste of time and money!

What three things must be done to transform feedback data into actions?


  • Sort them
  • Disseminate them
  • Listen to them

Let’s take a closer look at these.


This essentially means bringing them to a single system and adopting a common reading model that makes them simple to use. It requires defining clear organisational responsibilities within the company, but most importantly, adopting a technological platform that can process the data and make them dialogue with other data in the company (in CRMs and Management Systems)
This initial step aims to make the data accessible and comprehensible to everyone in the organisation. To achieve this, databases, dashboards and correlation analysis systems must be built. Converging data into a single system is essential to gain valuable insights, incorporating customer knowledge regardless of whether it originates from a direct or indirect source.


Today, we talk about “democratising data, ” which means that feedback data should be disseminated throughout the organisation. The ‘right’ data needs to reach the right person in a clear and easily comprehensible format. I would include those who have the possibility and ability to transform them into actions.

A carefully constructed data access tree must be established, enabling continuous access and fostering discussions and collaboration among different teams.

Dissemination must be prepared by presenting the feedback project to employees and opening channels for exchanging ideas and experiences on how to manage the feedback program. Those who will use the data must be involved in defining the topics to be explored as well as the KPIs relevant to their specific functions.

Therefore, a well-designed listening program first determines in a participatory manner what data to be generated and then selects the tools for its dissemination. Without a doubt, ensuring easy and continuous access to data is vital.

If not strategically disseminated throughout the organisation, data risks losing its potential for driving action.


Data have the ability to speak and tell stories and serve as a powerful source of inspiration for impactful actions.


We are talking about actions that change processes and address the root causes of customer dissatisfaction. It involves establishing a seamless link between listening to data and implementing organisational changes aimed at enhancing the customer experience.

Without such actions, both feedback management teams and customers, who do not perceive tangible improvements based on their feedback, may become frustrated.

This frustration causes the project to stall and undermines any investments made in listening technologies.

To break out of this rut, the keywords are:

  • Prioritisation of interventions, which entails determining what really matters to the customer
  • Cost analysis, to understand the financial implications and impact of each organisational change requested
  • Responsibility, i.e. identifying dedicated cross-functional teams and clear responsibilities for implementing the desired changes

Investing in customer experience is impossible without a listening program. However, for a listening program to have value, it must be targeted and focused. This means aligning it with the company’s objectives and strategic positioning.

Without this link between listening and strategy, interpreting the data becomes more difficult, as does the prioritisation of actions, something we have already discussed.

The success of feedback programs is measured by the number of customer experience “construction sites” that have been opened. The metaphor of a construction site is particularly fitting as it vividly portrays the idea of work in progress…. which never ends.

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