Corporate wellness: investing in worker and customer satisfaction

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There is a lot of discussion regarding Corporate Wellness. Although it may appear contradictory, it is actually something that has the potential to generate immense value. Reflecting on several recent employee experience projects, I noticed that this is both a hot topic and a very complex one

While companies invest in corporate wellness, the expected growth in worker satisfaction KPIs in this area has not materialised. This indicates a misalignment between what corporations are doing today and the desires of workers, who may have revised and updated their needs and expectations due to COVID-19.

Merely offering yoga and mindfulness classes will not be enough unless the company undergoes a comprehensive cultural transformation.

But let’s start from the beginning. What exactly is Wellness, and why should companies invest in it?

It is a concept that is becoming increasingly important in today’s corporate world. Companies are no longer solely fixated on the economic aspects of worker relationships; they are also investing in the well-being of their workforce.

How do they accomplish this? Through a range of programs and initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of life within the organisations. These efforts are directed towards promoting job satisfaction, creating a workplace made up of “people,” and bridging the conceptual gap between the personal and professional lives of workers.

Our investigation will focus on the advantages of investing in wellness, the implementation of these policies, and the crucial role played by corporate culture in integrating these initiatives.

Advantages of creating Wellness in the workplace

Creating healthy workplaces is, first and foremost, a social and moral responsibility.

In today’s corporate world, the well-being and quality of life of those involved in the business cannot be overlooked or neglected. Successful entrepreneurship must take this into consideration, and Italy is full of wonderful examples. Just think of a recent example like Brunello Cucinelli, and a historical one like Adriano Olivetti.

Let’s examine the tangible advantages for the company itself.

What are the benefits of successfully implementing wellness in the workplace?

To begin with, when people feel supported and valued, they are more motivated and committed to their jobs. A positive work environment promotes effective human resource management and encourages people to perform at their best.

Investing in well-being also leads to stress reduction and heightened job satisfaction. Consequently, absenteeism and turnover rates decrease, which contributes to overall corporate stability and continuity. This is a critical aspect of any growing business.

Finally, a company that prioritises a culture of wellness stands out as an exemplary employer. This attracts skilled professionals who seek to work in an environment that values and cares about their well-being and professional growth. Offering a competitive benefits package and fostering personal and career fulfilment becomes an advantage in attracting top talent and retaining an excellent team.

But how can you create a more welcoming workplace? Read on!

Implementation of corporate wellness: Create an extraordinary workplace

Numerous companies aim to create an “extraordinary” workplace.

But what key factors should be taken into account?

  • Ensure a healthy work-life balance (through new flexible and smart working practices)
  • Foster collaboration within teams
  • Establish a culture of continuous feedback and support
  • Provide essential tools, particularly digital tools, to make the job easier
  • Improve communication and its quality from top to bottom and vice versa

Work flexibility is now becoming an essential part of corporate wellness and one of the factors that attract potential recruits. Allowing workers to manage their own time and adjust working hours according to their personal requirements leads to a better work-life balance, contributing to a more relaxed and content workforce. Embracing remote work or flexible hours also helps reduce stress related to commuting and boosts productivity.

Physical and mental wellness programs play a crucial role. Enabling workers to partake in company fitness activities, such as yoga or using an on-site gym, promotes a healthy and active lifestyle. Moreover, providing psychological counselling or stress management programs helps workers deal with everyday challenges and maintain mental equilibrium.

Art and its collective appreciation undoubtedly serve as catalysts for mental and spiritual well-being, fostering bonds among individuals. Promoting access to theatres and exhibitions not only enhances engagement but also contributes to personal wellness.

The issue of digital fatigue is also extremely important. The proliferation of complex IT systems, new procedures and technical difficulties creates a major source of stress commonly known as digital fatigue. Workers today frequently request a user-friendly digital workplace, particularly an integrated one.

Besides focusing on personal well-being, ambitious workers also consider the opportunities for growth offered by a company. The presence of training and development programs, mentoring opportunities and career support demonstrates a company’s commitment to nurturing the personal and professional growth of its members. This not only motivates them to perform at their best, but it also contributes to creating a culture of continuous learning and progress within the company.

Creating a sense of wellness requires a combination of these factors, tailored to suit each company’s unique needs and culture. This investment pays off significantly, leading to increased worker satisfaction, enriched experiences and enhanced customer satisfaction, thus creating a virtuous circle. It is a worthwhile challenge as it yields tangible benefits for both individuals and the company itself.

But beware, there are no pre-determined solutions!! Before developing a strategy, specific needs must be taken into account, and it is essential to understand how workers feel about this. It all begins with listening.

Impact of Corporate Wellness on Customer Experience

Corporate wellness not only has a positive impact on workers, but, as previously said, it also directly influences the customer experience, contributing to its enhancement. This intuitive correlation has also been demonstrated in the United States, where the relationship between stock market performance and the Employee Experience culture is evident.

When workers are content, motivated and satisfied with their work environment, it is reflected in how they interact with customers and how they deal with them. This created a high-level experience for customers, who actually feel valued and cared for.

A corporate culture that prioritises well-being and promotes excellent customer service creates a virtuous circle where both workers and customers feel valued and satisfied, contributing to the overall success of the company.


Corporate wellness is the key to success in today’s highly competitive business environment. It acts as a hidden ingredient that adds flavour to corporate culture while simultaneously creating an extraordinary experience for both workers and customers.

However, it is not an ingredient to be added at random! Structured analyses that gather valuable data and feedback offer the foundation for a company seeking to enhance its Employee Experience.

This is where E-Pathos comes into play! Our platform has the power to elevate the ordinary to the extraordinary. We go beyond generic solutions and adopt a personalised approach that is sure to amaze everyone.

PLEASE NOTE! This article was written without using the word EMPLOYEES too many times. We are trying to avoid using this term which means “A PERSON WHO HOLDS A SUBORDINATED POSITION AND WHO IS SUBJECT TO OTHERS – A PERSON WHOSE JOB DEPENDS ON THE AUTHORITY OF ANOTHER PERSON.” Perhaps companies should explore alternative terminology.

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